This is the Message Centre for EyeQueue(91614)

An IQ of 91614?

Post 1


That must put you in the same bracket as Marvin, surely.

I don't suppose you want to pick up that piece of paper for me do you?

An IQ of 91614?

Post 2


I never claimed to have an IQ of 91614, I claim to have an EyeQueue of 91614.

Which piece of paper are you referring to I see several hundred.

An IQ of 91614?

Post 3


It was a play on words. And honestly I wouldn't insult you by actually expecting you to pick up a piece of paper. Any of them. Or none of them. Or something.

Welcome aboard anyhoo.

An IQ of 91614?

Post 4


No offense taken, I was merely being defensive in this new environment. I am still fairly new to this sort of thing. Thanks for the welcome.

An IQ of 91614?

Post 5


A wise stance if I may say so. Don't worry about upsetting people, and don't worry what people say. In short, don't worry.

I spotted you were knew, in case you were wondering, from the "See who's online now" pop-up windows available all over the place (including the bottom of the front page). It's recent;y been updated to include "* new today" next to newbies' nicks. This makes it easier for us to pop over and say "Hi" which either means new people fell really really welcome - or really really intimidated. Or both.

Useful tip No 2:
Smileys. You'll want to start chucking them into your posts so people know your a hoopy frood...
smiley - smiley - is done by typing : - ) (without the spaces)
smiley - winkeye - is ; - )
smiley - bigeyes - is 8 - )
smiley - sadface - is : - ( and
smiley - fish - is > < >


An IQ of 91614?

Post 6


Thanks for the info smiley - smiley

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