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come on shorty
nutmeg Started conversation Mar 21, 2001
get your act together. stop working so hard and get using your computer for what it is ment for....
come on shorty
shazzPRME Posted Mar 23, 2001
I see what you mean about your page Shorty!
That really serves you right for not bothering to learn GuideML doesn't it!
If you need any help, just ask
Remember... new regs mean no gifs, unless you 'borrow' them from the h2g2 database
I bet you don't even know the new smileys yet!
Have a or
and some
and a
hi babes
nutmeg Posted Apr 2, 2001
hello sweetie,
hope you are ok.
just a quick question. How many calories was it again?!!!!
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come on shorty
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