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... i hate being a loser... that's all i have to say

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Latest reply: Apr 27, 2000

Stupid Government

The library at my school was supposed to be finished (there is a lot of renovation going on now) two months ago.
Well, due to one thing and an other and the fact that they had to remove most of the building because of asbestos, the building that was the library is now encased in a big 'plastic bubble'.
Our stupid school bord won't give us the money to make the building better.
So, most likely, I might be able to walk in the new library a few days before I graduate.
It is so annoying to know that the government doesn't care about the wellfare of the youth. smiley - tongueout

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Latest reply: Feb 11, 2000

Semester 2!

Oh no... here i go again.
That's all I can say

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Latest reply: Feb 9, 2000


And exams have been and gone yet again and I am this much closer to my foods class. That is good. I am bored and hyper.
I called a friend today at 6:30 am
He said he ordered Pizza and got me all confused

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Latest reply: Feb 3, 2000


has graced my humble space on H2G2, I feel deeply... bored... smiley - sadface

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Latest reply: Jan 26, 2000

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Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

Researcher U91284

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