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hello, good evening and welcome

Post 21

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Final try for this thread ..... You know where to find me, if you wish.

hello, good evening and welcome

Post 22


there should be one there waiting for you

hello, good evening and welcome

Post 23

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Nothing here at work. I left home the usual time, 45 mins ago, so anything there will wait until I'm home again.

hello, good evening and welcome

Post 24


it was most deffo at home

hello, good evening and welcome

Post 25

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Then it will be awaiting my return. I sent a "gone again" note, then hadda close out about 11:10 UK, .... things to do before leaving for work. Sorry if I missed you. smiley - hug

hello, good evening and welcome

Post 26


Oh god sorry!! It was most definately at work!!! *bangs head*

hello, good evening and welcome

Post 27

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Hmmmm, then I'll guess that it'll appear sometime in the next day or two.

There have been some problems the last couple of weeks, that I thought had been ironed out. Because of that, I check the creation date and time of incomings, ... to make sure I'm not replying to an hours-old note.

hello, good evening and welcome

Post 28


There could be the simple reason that I sent it to a slightly incorrect address, but they usually bounce back if they're not delivered, and as yet, nothing has come back

hello, good evening and welcome

Post 29

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Some mail-systems are immediate, others may try for 48 hours to deliver a note. If it was anything of note, and you can find it, you can always try again ....

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