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The Edge of the Blade

Post 1


The Edge of the Blade
Is sharp indeed
It twists and turns
It's hard not to bleed

Being stabbed in the back
You hear the blade crack
You fall to your knees
No-one hears your plea's

It's hard trying to calm
muddy waters so deep
Give up, it's easier
There's no need to weep

Over things you don't have
control over anymore
I lay here now
with my back on the floor

You see
This way they can't
Thrust the knife so deep
This way I don't
Have to weep

The Edge of the Blade

Post 2

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Oh dear, if I only could have seen this when it was freshest. You KNOW that my lines are always open to you. For any out-bursts, out-pouring or simply a smile.

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