This is the Message Centre for Tom (the wonder car)

Hello Thomas

Post 1

Classic Krissy

What's up? Has Kate moved you yet? Have you been towed? Do you still smell? How ARE you darling??

Hello Thomas

Post 2

Tom (the wonder car)

Hi Krissy! It's always so nice of you to drop by and check on me...

Kate has moved me, quite a bit actually, through the slalom that is the ride to work. I haven't been towed, but one of my tickets is now officially outstanding (a-hem KATE) so I probably will be someday. I still smell, but now that the weather's nice Kate opens the moon roof during the day so that some of the nasty smoke can air out. Mmm charming. smiley - winkeye

Hello Thomas

Post 3

Classic Krissy

Well, it does sound like things are getting better. You take good care of my Kate for me. Where are you and Kate going to be living again?

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