This is the Message Centre for Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Cold enough for ya?

Post 41


Has your liverpool mate found out anything of interest?

Cold enough for ya?

Post 42

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

There's been mention of a brothel, in the deepest cellar somewhere, ...

Oh, you mean about a 'hero' and stuff. smiley - blush

Cold enough for ya?

Post 43


Evening, your Reverendship.

I don't think there has been any sighting of HIM, but Doddy was doing the rounds as he was thereabouts on business. He did gain a few snippets of info (No doubt cultivated by drinking excessive amounts of beer). He's really good at that. He's good at falling over too.

We had him over for Christmas after the mistress of the house was born and he fell into the tree. He's one of these people who never gets a hangover. He'll get up at silly o'clock and start cooking while the rest of us are dying a death.

Cold enough for ya?

Post 44


ah well.

Cold enough for ya?

Post 45

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Ah the hardship of it all, ... needing to imbibe a few, all in the line of "duty". smiley - rofl

Cold enough for ya?

Post 46


indeedy...could do with a conversation with isaiah at some point...forgive the shoddy spelling!

Cold enough for ya?

Post 47

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Watch this space then, ... He appears every week or two. And I'm sure he'll pass along an e-mail address, as he did for me and several others along the way. smiley - smiley

Cold enough for ya?

Post 48


Cheers for that...know you are there, however is there any chance we could talk on msn? my address is [email protected]

Could you join me there for a moment? Its kinda important.

Cold enough for ya?

Post 49

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I'm there. smiley - laugh

Cold enough for ya?

Post 50

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

And now, a note has gone off to Isaiah. That I certainly hope he will open SOONEST !!!

Cold enough for ya?

Post 51


'Shokran' (thank you in Arabic) Have just emailed you back. Speak soon x

Cold enough for ya?

Post 52

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Wires are always open to a friend. smiley - smiley

And it makes a good distraction from the 79 things on the "Honey-dew" list. smiley - laugh

Cold enough for ya?

Post 53


Hi guys.

Thanks for the chat yesterday, Reverend. Hope that the sight of my photo did not scare you so much that the garden was left undone.

Message received and wilco, Gill. I've dropped a line back to your mate with my apologies.

I hope today is a better day for you.

If you are in Liverpool again and fancy hooking up with Doddy, I can arrange it. He has a girlfriend, though, so watch yourself!

smiley - winkeye

I'll be on msn tomorrow night from 8 if you are about.

Meanwhile, back to work for me. Of all the days to be indoors, too!

Cold enough for ya?

Post 54


The doddy plan sounds groovy...and whaddyamean, watch myself? I too am attached, thank you very much! lol

Cold enough for ya?

Post 55

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Attached? Drat !!! So much for that short-lived fantasy. smiley - rofl

Master-Ninja-Warrior-san, it was a treat to meet "live" for a bit. And believe me, I've met far scarier than you !!! And some of their husbands were no treat either. smiley - laugh

If an MSN chat is still going by the time I get home, ... my wires can be open too. 3-ways are quite pleasant. smiley - smiley

Cold enough for ya?

Post 56


Well, I waited until 9pm and then had to go and bath the little madam.

Given the enormous time difference for you both, we may be better doing this on Saturday afternoon. Not Sunday, though as I am working.

And Reverend, that's CAPTAIN Master-Ninja-Warrior-san to you! smiley - laugh

Gill, I meant watch yourself with Doddy as he's a terrible flirt and his other half lives across the Mersey somewhere. I believe the denizens of that land are all as fierce as Lilly Savage!

Cold enough for ya?

Post 57

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Yeah there IS very nearly a full working-day time difference, eh? One day I hope that all of YOU foreigners get it right, and adopt MY time zone. smiley - rofl

And most humble smiley - grovel apologies, Sir Captain. *salutes, promptly poking a thumb in an eye ...*

Cold enough for ya?

Post 58


A terrible flirt ey? Well, I love a challenge...and I am sorry that I was not msn to speak with you honey. I am using another msn account currently so I will email you the addy. As for saturday and sunday, that maybe a problem as the week starts on a saturday here. Such is life. Speak soon. xx

Cold enough for ya?

Post 59

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Oy !!! Don't say "speak". I'm a fiend with a telephone, and I'd hate to calculate the cost per minute to your world, Lady L-L-L-etc. smiley - laugh

Cold enough for ya?

Post 60


that make two of us, me yours and i will email you mine. xxx

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