This is the Message Centre for SarahM


Post 1


hi!!!!smiley - teasmiley - cakesmiley - smooch


Post 2


See what I miss if I don't stay alert? smiley - winkeye

Sunday morning now. It's so dead in here. There's only me and 3 other people working and still there's not enough calls to go round. Wish we still had access to all the other internet, livejournal and everything else. BBC can't quite stretch to keeping me amused for 5 hours. *sigh*



Post 3


so, if it was 5 hours of entertainment you needed 6 hours ago, then within an hour you should be home? I hope so. The hobbits have hurt my feelings, and Em and Claire have hurt Jan's feelings. Probably didn't mean to, but it's happened nonetheless. Talk to you at home, then. Love you.


Post 4


After a full night, and a lovely sunrise, I wanted breakfast. You had muffins, from yesterday, and apples, I made coffee, poured the milk in mine, brought yours to you with the sugar. We sat, across from each other, mulling over the situation.

smiley - teasmiley - coffeesmiley - cakesmiley - choc Later, we've established that things have changed since NZ, that b&d would do well to declare, that Mr. B. indeed needs some kind of break, of rest, and that smiley - smoochsmiley - hug no matter what, smiley - loveblushi'm glad i'm with you.


Post 5


Breakfast was lovely.

We won't be online again tonight but we'll be around tomorrow morning, assuming we don't stay out really late and oversleep!

love you all.
C & K & A & co


Post 6


HAve a good night. Safe journeying, good company, good food, good music.
See you tomorrow, then.
J &H &V &J and all and all


Post 7


Still stuck here for another hour and a half, it's quiet again. Hope you're all having a lovely morning. How was breakfast? And will we catch you online tomorrow (your late tonight)?


Post 8


smiley - cappuccino Sip, sigh
missed you again! argh
7 a here more or less
going to breakfast
moving boxes
on and off all day
do we have unfinished business in pismo? b'lieve so.
smiley - teasmiley - hug


Post 9


OOh and Les Barker, he sounds hysterical.
I have got to get me one of these! (to quote Will Smith in Independence Day)smiley - bubblysmiley - ok

smiley - smooch

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