This is the Message Centre for SarahM

name change?

Post 1


Don't know what message to leave.
had some ideas for little stories, but they've all fallen out of my head.
Jake's being a jerk in camp. the rest are just tired.
If it were me?
I'd think this person should go to bed, and try to get some real sleep.

but...did want to say hi, in however suddenly attenuated a way.

catch you on the flipside
j & co.smiley - tea

name change?

Post 2


Name change - yeah, so we could post on the music messageboards without getting odd looks. Still the same us though. Been maniacally busy this morning, had to wait for our break to look in here.

Jake really needs to chat with Karl. And vice-versa. on AIM, if he doesn;t want to wait until the game gets to Monday.

see you when you get up.

love, Cas & the rest of us

name change?

Post 3


JAke's more than happy to AIM with Karl. Perhps tonight, when y'all get home.

and V: says he had to go ahead and describe the upstaiars to orli so he'd have somewhere to take orli to put his things away, and he's gone ahead and gotten floor plans to send you, so you can see what he means. we might have done this before the guests arrived. but then we'd not have had as much time for other activities...or so he says
smiley - smoochsmiley - smooch

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