This is the Message Centre for black thighboots


Post 1

black thighboots

Sorry to intrude but I read you like leather and heels


Post 2

I'm not really here

Indeed I do. smiley - ok


Post 3

black thighboots

MMM me too
Have lots of high heels and a few choice items of leather


Post 4

I'm not really here

Not got much leather, mostly PVC and one rubber outfit - most of the boots are the shiny stuff as well, only one pair of leather. Too expensive to keep buying!


Post 5

black thighboots

MMM I have a siver grey latex dress very short and tight
6 pairs of thigh boots
pair of over knee boots
7 pairs of knee boots
love pvc what does it look like
Love nylons as well


Post 6

black thighboots

Have one pair with six inch heels mmm


Post 7

I'm not really here

I'm quite happy to talk to a fellow enthusiast, but lists of other people's wardrobe interiors doesn't really make for much of a conversation. smiley - erm


Post 8

black thighboots

This post has been removed.


Post 9

I'm not really here

Men stare even when short women wear them. It doesn't take much to make a man stare.


Post 10

black thighboots

Are you short then hunni?
Im 5ft 10
I feel so powerful and alive in my leather and heels almost orgasmic


Post 11

black thighboots

I feel so dominant in heels and want to put a lead on her and make her walk behind me


Post 12

I'm not really here

If you want to have chat like that, could you find somewhere and someone else please?

I'm not your hunni, and really don't need that sort of discussion on my Personal Space!


Post 13

I'm not really here

hmm, not sure why that message was hidden, I don't remember seeing anything that actually broke the rules!

Thread Moved

Post 14

h2g2 auto-messages

Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'Must Love Dogs' to ''.

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