This is the Message Centre for black thighboots

hey fellow newbie!

Post 1

this is not a pipe ~--U do i know you're not a spy? (i'm wanted all over the place you know)...oh heck, i'll take a chance with you...seem like a nice girl...
so, who are we? go lying now, i can tell from your face if you're telling fibs...avoiding eye contact, blushing etc.etc....
listen, feel free to drop by whenever...i'm not around all the time but the answer machine is on 24/7....thanks for saying hi..t.i.n.

hey fellow newbie!

Post 2

black thighboots

well lets see how much do i reveal hmm
Im 28 from lincolnshire thats eneough for now i think
your turn

hey fellow newbie!

Post 3

this is not a pipe ~--U

i see....well, i'm a millionaire (loses eye contact)
ok, i'm a crash test pilot (eyes waver, but keeps it together)..midlands ish..(regains composure by throwing in an element of truth) still a little boy at heart..(checks catapult in back pocket)...yeah, that's a good start...back at ya..

(bb...might not be on line too much more 'til after w/end) t.i.n.

hey fellow newbie!

Post 4

black thighboots

im very tall love hi heels and stockings and am very feminine
my eyes never wavered once

hey fellow newbie!

Post 5

this is not a pipe ~--U

jeez..(pulls collar away from they do in films)..are you sure you're not a spy...i've been in some tight spots before with those russian's only fair to warn you, i'm packing a piece..(checks catapult again)..

hey fellow newbie!

Post 6

black thighboots

seems im doing all the revealing here
like rugby league watching I may add for some strange reason
very occasional shopping trips
what do you think of thigh high boots?
more info required please

hey fellow newbie!

Post 7

this is not a pipe ~--U

i'd say thigh is a good height....
what do you want to know?
i warn you though..i was always in trouble for telling lies when i was little...(back in an hour)

hey fellow newbie!

Post 8

black thighboots

are you male or female

hey fellow newbie!

Post 9

this is not a pipe ~--U

male....and you?...don't forget, i can spot a fib...

hey fellow newbie!

Post 10

black thighboots

A male in thigh boots and stockings?Maybe where you come from sweety

hey fellow newbie!

Post 11

this is not a pipe ~--U

ha! you looked away....gotcha!
come on straight with me or i'm going to have to put mthis one to bed...

hey fellow newbie!

Post 12

black thighboots

you realy think im a 5ft 10 long legged 32b stocking and high heeled wearing man
You must live in an interesting place
I bet your married and about 70

hey fellow newbie!

Post 13

this is not a pipe ~--U

hey, don't get so takes all sorts...i'm a broadminded guy..

hey fellow newbie!

Post 14

black thighboots

Im not a man you numpty but are you a 70 year old or something more interesting

hey fellow newbie!

Post 15

this is not a pipe ~--U

do i sound seventy? the pipe thing is a reference to a magritte painting..a nod towards my surrealist tastes...(i don't actually smoke one!)....what kind of men do you like..let's see, hmmm..submissive?

hey fellow newbie!

Post 16

black thighboots

who says i like men?jumping to conclusions arent we

hey fellow newbie!

Post 17

this is not a pipe ~--U

you got me there....hmm...what am i supposed to say?
do you prefer girls? can't say as i'd blame you...most men are pretty disgusting..

hey fellow newbie!

Post 18

black thighboots

thats my secret for know
so what about you

hey fellow newbie!

Post 19

this is not a pipe ~--U

let me think..
back tomorrow.

hey fellow newbie!

Post 20

this is not a pipe ~--U

if you prefer girls.....why are you wasting your time with me?

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