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subbing 'An Introduction to Sport Climbing'

Post 1


Hi, Beth, I'm subbing your entry on sport climbing, and I must say that I found it extremely well-written. Other than a few stylistic things, the only thing I did to your entry was to add a footnote about what bouldering is -- the knowledge being gained from the link you so helpfully included. When I'm reading through an entry and don't recognise a word -- especially a technical one -- my immediate instinct is to want a footnote explaining what it means. So, not recognising the term 'bouldering', I added a footnote. Anyway, I hope to hear back from you soon as to whether you approve of my alterations, so that I may return this entry promptly.

Thank you for your entry,
EMRsmiley - musicalnote

subbing 'An Introduction to Sport Climbing'

Post 2

Beth [h2g2]


Thank you for doing such a great job subbing my entry! Really appreciate the work you've done on it. I'm afraid I've been away on hols for the past week so wasn't able to reply sooner but thumbs up in any case! smiley - biggrin

smiley - bubbly

subbing 'An Introduction to Sport Climbing'

Post 3


I just submitted it to the editors a few days ago. Good job!

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subbing 'An Introduction to Sport Climbing'

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