This is the Message Centre for Beth [h2g2]

You sound Interesting!

Post 1


Welcome back. I have been around a while and seem to remember seeing your name from time to time. Maybe I'll smiley - lurk from time to time to give you a chance to settle in.

I am looking forward to the update of your space. Africa Lives sounds interesting. More please.

Websailorsmiley - dragon

You sound Interesting!

Post 2

Beth [h2g2]

Hello and thank you!

It's really great to be back and there have been nifty improvements since I was here last, like h2g2 on mobile.

The Africa project was fantastic thanks. Our team didn't actually get to go to Africa (I'll have to save my pennies for that one) but we did get down to the Live8 concert at the Eden Project in Cornwall which was amazing.

smiley - tea

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