This is the Message Centre for Beth [h2g2]

Welcome back & hiya

Post 1


We didn't meet my first time round & I joined again just after you left it would seem smiley - sadface, but ... having read your welcomes ... well, it looks like you have been sorely missed smiley - laugh

As said before: smiley - magic to have another female around - enjoy smiley - cheers

smiley - hug
smiley - dog

Welcome back & hiya

Post 2

Beth [h2g2]

Hi Shirps, smiley - smiley

Lovely to meet you. Yes - with Natalie as well, it looks like Jim's outnumbered by girls. smiley - laugh

Welcome back & hiya

Post 3


I'm sure he'll cope smiley - winkeye

See you around
smiley - dog

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