This is the Message Centre for folktroubadour

Welcome to Hootoo from an Ace

Post 1


Hiya folktroubador, welcome to h2g2 or hootoo as we often call it.

I'm Terri, zendevilTerrismiley - zensmiley - devil or zdt when feeling lazy & i'm an ACe, ie: meeter & greeter of newbies.

If there's anything you need to know, i'll do my best to help.smiley - biggrin

Have a wander around, here's somesmiley - cake to munch on while you do so. Don't forget your smiley - towel!


Welcome to Hootoo from an Ace

Post 2


Cheers matesmiley - cheers, I'm still tryin' to figure out my way around this place. And just for the record, yes I do know where my towel is.

Welcome to Hootoo from an Ace

Post 3


Jolly good! Have fun wandering around; we will probably bump into each other somewhere!

It's a friendly site, if you say you are a newbie, people will usually go out of their way to explain stuff.


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