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*peeks inside, looks around, and decides it's probably safe to step inside*

Post 161


I didn't mean to put THREE applauses! Don't know what happened, unless my Ctrl + C didn't take!! Ne'er mind, eh! (Who was it said "Preview is my friend"?)


*peeks inside, looks around, and decides it's probably safe to step inside*

Post 162

Titania (gone for lunch)

That saying has also been twisted around a bit, some hootooers express it as 'perview is my fiend' smiley - tongueout

One of the Swedish state TV channels (sort of the Swedish equivalence of BBC) showed all the three books as a series, and very good they were too. Noomi Rapace was, for once, exactly like how I had imagined Lisbeth Salander when reading the books:

I'm a bit disappointed though that Hollywood has decided to make their own 'Americanised' version (the Swedish original has some pretty brutal scenes - I was rather impressed that the producer/director had the guts to include them).

And the actress chosen for the American Salander is Rooney Mara:

I don't know if you've seen what is in the US known as either the 'European' (original) version of Léon (director's cut) but, because of 'sexual undertones between an adult and a minor' (which I failed to notice) a 'censored' version was shown in the US, 'The professional'.

Any which way, I like Jean Reno. And I like the French original version, just like 'Three men and a baby' where the French original was so much better than the later American version.

Sorry, I'm rambling - but I hate to see diluted American versions of what was originally great but alas, 'foreign' films - so too hard to digest for the 'average' American public?

*peeks inside, looks around, and decides it's probably safe to step inside*

Post 163


I'm usually disappointed in translations! It's an appalling task, which I think the Larssen-processor, to coin a phrase, did miraculously. I usually dislike American versions of /anything/, which seems to amount to prejudice, to which I'd never admit, but.......
I read somewhere that Krister Henriksson is to play/has already played Kalle Blomqvist in some interpretation - which I can't find on Amazon. As we're usually a couple of years behind the Action, it tends to be difficult. As Yellowbird is stopping the English subtitles, my plan to learn the language gains somewhat in urgency!
I heartily agree with you regarding Noomi Rapace, by the way. Not an easy part to play, but restful in the third novel, at least until the court scene!!!
A recent crossword clue for you: "The Queen's houseboy?"

Much sympathy, Dig!!!

*peeks inside, looks around, and decides it's probably safe to step inside*

Post 164

Titania (gone for lunch)

You're still around and active? At least it would seem so...

*peeks inside, looks around, and decides it's probably safe to step inside*

Post 165


Gosh, hello! Still around, but decreasingly active, I fear! Age is beginning to weary me, and the years condemned decades ago. But we struggle, and most days we're equal to the struggle! How are you? How is Ripley? More importantly, who is Ripley? Should I know him/it? Not another sloth?????


*peeks inside, looks around, and decides it's probably safe to step inside*

Post 166

Titania (gone for lunch)

Look Ripley, an Ancient! Go ahead, poke her to make sure she's alive before you aim those dark, pleading can-I-have-a-cuddle eyes at her!

I'm fine, Ripley's not too happy though, having grown up to be a rather grumpy adolescent two-toed sloth - I think he wants a girlfriend but there aren't many female sloths around on h2g2 excepts his great-aunt Springie.

*peeks inside, looks around, and decides it's probably safe to step inside*

Post 167


Everyone who's below retiring age must feel they're living on a knife-edge. It must be terrible. I feel particularly sorry for those in their late forties/early fifties who've suddenly been made redundant. And, of course, the youngsters who've never had a job and seem unlikely to get one. So dispiriting. Strange, why do we expect Scandinavia to be above all that? I envisage a cosy world, well-insulated against the slings and arrows! How unfair! I'd like the banks to use their bale-out money to bale out somebody else, or at least pay off the national debt!

But are you /warm/ Titania? Most things feel better when you're not ashiver! So glad your own job is currently safe.


*peeks inside, looks around, and decides it's probably safe to step inside*

Post 168


I'm back yet again! How is everyone? I heard that h2g2 is Going. Is this true? Why? When? Haven't they done enough to us? Are they still seeking a "younger audience"? Grrrr.Or have I got it all wrong? Again. It's me age, y'know. smiley - wah


*peeks inside, looks around, and decides it's probably safe to step inside*

Post 169

Titania (gone for lunch)

BBC put h2g2 up for sale, and I do believe we've ended up in very good hands. Read more about it here:

*peeks inside, looks around, and decides it's probably safe to step inside*

Post 170


I made some funny phrases in that! Must re-read the destructions. But first I'll read your link. I'm glad you're still there. I see Ripley's come home. Is he well?


*peeks inside, looks around, and decides it's probably safe to step inside*

Post 171

seraphicDigitalis H'm, looks good, but, sceptic that I am, I'll reserve judgement, and hope to attend more regularly in future! Good wishes and fair winds to the new ship. Dig

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