This is the Message Centre for Socarola


Post 1


Had to say smiley - ok to you on the 'letsonlyrespondtothosethatarelikeusthread@..

Makes my blood boil - some of the 'regulars' are so bloody snooty and 'in my club' it makes my blood boil!

Do U gt wht me sayin m8smiley - tongueoutsmiley - winkeye


Post 2


Oops - only just found this - I'm an h2 idiot!

Totally get it m8!!
I'm on the point of giving it up as a bad job...can't be doing with it.
Can't say anymore here...I have hotmail address posted somewhere on here.
Never mind...keeping my chins up! smiley - biggrin

Take care!
smiley - cheers

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