Journal Entries

Need a crystal ball

Does anyone know where a crystal ball smiley is?I need one because apparently there already is one(or two).

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Latest reply: May 30, 2007


I have finished it!And on the same day,I joined the Leo Club.And also,on the same day,my brother`s friend came round so I am writing this with them breathing up my neck(he`s too small to be breathing down it). <- o ->
THAT is a StarWars fighter jet,ready to rid me of my brother.And his friend!

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Latest reply: May 30, 2007

My altar

I am making my altar at the moment,so it takes some time.Don`t worry,it will get finished!smiley - roflThis journal entry is a bit short,but,never mind.I`ll fill my mystic page up someday.

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Latest reply: May 29, 2007

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