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The Wrong Choice

Post 1


Hi I was inspired to write a story after reading yours. If you feel its too much like yours than I won't post it. Here's the first draft

Kevin’s Black Shadow

Kevin Hobson was well named. Life didn’t present him with choices only different roads to disaster. His one pride and joy was his motorcycle. He needed money for its month service and the Nightshift at the Brickhouse Centre a.k.a Sh*thouse was the only one available.

The area had split personality quiet by day and interesting at night. Even the guard dogs had minders, the coin boxes of the launderette were the cleanest things for miles and the council had thought it necessary to install double cctv cameras - the second one to watch over the first. So even, Kev was expecting the worse.

He secured his Vincent to a stout pole in the fenced off compound and tested each of its two alarms. His leather gear squeaked softly as he picked his way across the stone strewed yard. He gave the coded knock to the reinforced Porta Kabin door.

After a few anxious moments , it was opened by a similarly clad figure but one without the death mask emblazoned on his back. They exchanged muffled pleasantries through their visored mouths and Kev was soon left completely alone.

He sat fully clothed , hunched in front the security screen. Eyes alert to every movement. His body stiffened at the slightest sound. After an hour , the only thing Kev had seen was a stray dog and the wail of love lorn cats. Kev eased off his helmet to reveal a battle scared head.

The sort of face which to the uninformed look tough but the really hard men have smooth unmarked appearance. Kev looked what he was a cheerful Loser. He poured himself a second cup of coffee from his stainless steel flask, this time without spilling a drop. Kevin allowed himself the luxury of two dunked chocolate whole-wheat biscuits, before setting out on his two hourly patrol.

He almost forgotten to lock the door behind him and hummed tunelessly behind his visor. The centre was a 1960’s shopping mall so one had to be careful not to walk too closely to the buildings less you caught a piece on concrete on the neck. Kev’s hands tightened on his panic button as two young men approached. He gave them a wide berth, his eyes fixed on them. They moved towards Kev. They paused a few foot in front of him before wishing him a slurred good night. Kevin glanced back, he had been caught before, as they meandered on their merry way.

Kevin looked down at his sports watch. Good only another two hours and I off to bacon sandwich , a few hours kip and the pleasure of seeing his charger in its full splendour. Life didn’t get any better, he thought.

Back at the cabin, Kev laughed loudly. The bastards!, he thought , have been winding me up. I kept telling them my luck was bound to change.

Kevin was woken by the distant chime of the town hall clock as it struck 5.00 am. His eyes flicked towards the monitor, hardly a blade of grass moved. Kevin began to plan a transfer request . The Brickhouse was a doddle. His thoughts were interrupted by a sharp rat, tat on the door. Kevin beamed even his relief was early. God indeed was smiling on him.

Kev was about go to the concealed place he had chained his Black Shadow when his attention was caught by a soft plop high in the lowering sky. His eyes widened as he made out the form of his bike hanging from the crane jib, like a condemned man on the gallows. In that instant red and yellow flamed the sky and a pall of black smoked hung over the compound.

Tell what you think?

cheers willy

The Wrong Choice

Post 2


Willy, I am impressed. It was a tremendous story with a great ending. Get it posted it'll probably get better reviews than my attempt. If it does dedicate it to me and if it doesn't you're on your own. A bit of history if you are interested. Kev is an actual security guard I met for the first time on Tuesday and just listening to his brief account of his life/job inspired me to write about it. It was originally intended to be a short story linked with 'What a Night' and others eventually but this just turned out on its own. I still think I might change it about and link it as originally intended but for now thats what it is. Glad you liked it.

The Wrong Choice

Post 3


Thanks, its getting the first idea is what I find difficult, there has to be a way to find inspiration. I'll have another polish of it and post it next week some time.

cheers willy

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