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Post 1


Hi Sarge,

Ive been here just under a week and yes its incredably addictive. My other halfs on the verge of getting rid of the computer as he hasnt seen me for so long. Anyway, just wanted to say welcome. I read your comments about not sure how to write reviews... To be honest ive noticed that as long as you put something like 'thats just my oppinion' or ' dont take this the wrong way' kind of thing nobody will take any offence. After all we are all here, in my oppinion, to learn from each other and we wont do that if we all say everythings great all the time. I belive im not alone when i say that. If its not great say so, but im a big beliver in good manners! lol.

Anyway, hope you have fun, look forward to reading your work. If you want to practice reviews be as honest as you like with mine, thats what im after.

Take Care.xx

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