This is the Message Centre for Sarge

New to the site

Post 1


Hi Sarge,

I've just reviewed Sunday and thought I'd have a look and see who wrote it. I just found the site a week ago and have to say I'm totally addicted. I log on at every spare moment and thanks to broadband its saving me a fortune as I'm no longer buying magazines for the short stories.

I noticed you weren't sure how to find individuals work. Whenever someone writes to you, their name is in bold type. If you click on this it will take you to their portfolio and you can see their work (on the right hand side of the screen as you look at it).

The best way to get lots of reviews is to review other peoples work. Sometimes if nobody says anything, it can get a bit worrying but keep trying someone will read it. I've found everyone is really friendly and criticism is always constructive.

Happy writing and welcome to the site

JNCE25smiley - cheers
PS the little symbols are just for fun!

New to the site

Post 2


Thanks for the tips, I appear to learning more and more everytime I log on, which is exactly as you have described, incredibly addictive. I have not read a review of my work yet and have attempted to review a couple of others which is difficult to do to avoid offending anyone, never the less the more I am on the easier it will get, I expect. smiley - smiley With a bit of luck I should have inserted a symbol here

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