Journal Entries

Genesis 1-3, Whoopidee

Just stuck this on the CMB - anyone else want to play?

Hi All,
The board seems to be getting bogged down in literal Genesis vs Evolution.

Now I look at the bible and I wonder what the fuss is about. Genesis gives us two differing creation accounts - so which one do we take as correct, or do we harmonise the two into a single account?

Or maybe we follow a third way - that the focus of the account is not on creation per-se but to illustrate deeper truths.

Evolution is being presented in some quarters as an offense against God - but why would this be - evolution is demonstrated in the world - it seems therefore to be part of the nature of His creation - that members of that creation can adapt to meet their circumstances.

Of course, it can be argued that this is a result of original sin - that evolution, like death came with the fall. However, if that is the case, why was this fact not revealed until the coming of Paul. And of course without the fall there was nothing for Christ to save us from....

But then I don't hold with that view either. If original sin is such a problem, how come it took until several centuries after the birth of Christ for it ot be developed as a doctrine.

So what are the theological implications of rejecting a literal six day creation or its illegitimate offspring, day-age creation in favour of something that fits the evidence better. And what are the implications of rejecting the idea of original sin?

God Bless

Tim the Fat Ex-hippy

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