This is the Message Centre for gobelino

hello gobe sweetie

Post 1


I have been busy over the past week, because I am in New York and the RNC was in town. There were a lot of protests and since my tiny apartment was just 12 blocks from MSG, I was sort of caught up. Also I just headed back to school; NYU. The point is I was unable to read your little comment (until today) concerning my question on how europeans view us yankees.

Of course, I did know that it would stir up some rancor, that was the whole point. I love it when europeans get all hot and bothered. And I can assure you that there is nothing you, or anyone else on this site can say that would offend me. My reaction to some comments by others was simply meant to create even more debate. Otherwise this whole exercise would be rather boring, wouldn't you say?

P.S. Gobe darling can you be a real sweetie-pie and read the piece that i wrote and then tell me what you think? Be as brutal as needs be.

Love ya babycakessmiley - loveblushsmiley - cake

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hello gobe sweetie

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