This is the Message Centre for gobelino

hello hun!!!!

Post 1


Hi!! hun just catching up, hope you are well and are rested and ready to do some more work I just wanted to let you know that i have revised my portfolio so you might want to have a look. hee! hee!!smiley - laugh read you post it on the american question they just cant except the truth can they. anyway talk soon love and kisses.smiley - winkeye SUPER

hello hun!!!!

Post 2


Hi babes,
I'm a wee bit drunk and the oher halfs giving me crap about being on the pc. Anyway... are you male or female and do you have some link wih the forces... just curious?

hello hun!!!!

Post 3


Hi!! babes got your message hope that this morning you are not too hung over you should pace yourself a bit more anyway in answer to your question i did use to work for the navy about 12 years ago for a catering company but now work at a all girls private school in Kent have a good day chat later SUPERsmiley - loveblush

hello hun!!!!

Post 4


Oh!! yes and i am male!!!!!!!!!

hello hun!!!!

Post 5


Hi hun,

Sorry wee bit drunk again... Oh to be young. Anyway. figured there was some military link from your work. Not as dumb as i think i am. Off to bed now speak soon. Big hugs Gobs. xxxsmiley - cheers

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