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Post 1


Oh! thanks Gobolino I thought i'd lost a friend for a moment sorry i missed you again hope you are really well I have added you to my friends list if you still want me as a friend then go to my portfolio and at the top of the page you will see a box in brown with add to friends list just click on it.keep up the good work luv SUPERsmiley - smooch


Post 2



I was only joking. Didnt mean it!
Thank you for your help with the friends list thing. Ive added you to mine. Take care hun xx


Post 3


your welcome sweetheart hope the baby is ok!! speak to you tonight with any luck will read some more of your work later,. xx supersmiley - hug


Post 4


Where did you come from??? I didnt expect a reply until the early hours of the morning. Babys fine, thankyou. My other half has a poorley arm so is off work today. I had a lay in thismorning while my wonderful boyfriend took care of baby breakfast. It was bliss!

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