This is the Message Centre for gobelino

welcome and some learning...

Post 1


hi gobelino,

just saw your message on the again thread and was compelled to respond. i usually hang out only at the poent

my discoveries at get writing are:

a) put your stuff up: people will come by and read, especially a newbie.

b) if you want to be read, then go out actively to a lot of other people's pages, read their work and leave a sane comment. do unto others, is a cliche that works here. nothing happens if you simply sit and wait for others to come to your page.

c) if everything fails, go out and make sincere requests to people...they will come by and review your work at a convenient time.

d) over a period of time, you will make friends and find those whose comments you appreciate because it helps your work improve.

e) it takes effort: since the familiars here are familiar with my poetry, it usually gets read within the first hour of putting up, however when i did life writing recently, no one came over...they don't know me there: its upto me to go out there and ask people to come over, or go to their life writing pieces and comment on it.

f) by and large, people are extremely helpful, forthcoming and friendly.

hope this helps! and welcome to the purple park. its a great place, and just like the real world, i find it takes all types to make it run: but that is what is interesting isn't it? my personal philosophy is to write as much as possible and get feedback, i try not to get involved in any of the larger doesn't serve my purpose.

smiley - smiley


welcome and some learning...

Post 2


i usually hang out only at the poent

this line shouldn't have come in the post, my apologies!smiley - smiley

welcome and some learning...

Post 3


Hi indie,

Thanks for replying to my message and i understand what you mean with the people not knowing you in different rooms. Ive had some great feedback for my short stories in beginnings. The reason i dont like to comment on the poetry side of things is because i really lack confidence in this subject. If i compleatly understand something i will tell the writer, its just many kinds of poetry have always had a habbit of going compleatly over my head and i dont want to do anyone injustice if you see what i mean. Any way i shall keep my eye out for your work. Thanks once again.

Gobelino xxx

welcome and some learning...

Post 4



look, just like in short stories, in any writing the key is that the work must appeal to you as the reader. if it goes over your head, say so. it it doesn't make sense to you, say so: from your perspective. if someone has put out a piece of work in the public domain, it is meant to be commented on, and by as diverse an audience. in any case, most times your instinct will be right...if its completely going over your head, chances are the writer has written a bad poem: someone has to stand up to say 'the emperor is wearing no clothes'. too many people use big words strung together to make out a poem.

so welcome, and don't worry: go out and comment with sincerity, you'll find people will appreciate it!

sorry about coming at you with all my advice. you can ignore all of it, you knowsmiley - biggrin


welcome and some learning...

Post 5


Good advice and ill take it if you dont mind. lol

Seriously thanks very much ! xx

welcome and some learning...

Post 6


smiley - smiley

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