This is the Message Centre for gobelino


Post 1


HI!! Goberlino hope i havn't missed you. have read some of your work and i must say i enjoyed it the untitled work is very good i am working on something similar myself thanks for the remarks on AUSTIN POWERS glad you liked it when you get time would you read RED MERCURY for me its on my portfolio and give your remarks it's in it's first draft and a bit rough around the edges might not be your thing but please have a look for me big thanks hope you are well and by reading messages on your portfolio hope your baby is well too. luvsmiley - hug SUPER


Post 2



I read Red Mercury. I initially wondered where your military influence comes from? My favorite part was the descriptive in part 2. I must admit i did get a bit lost at times but i think that was just because its a first draft, the punctuation and that will come together when you give it a good proof read. Really enjoyed it. What happens next?

I also read The True Nature Of The Matrix - V.funny indeed. I've been stuck on the theory from Men in Black 2, you know, we live in a locker.

I'm guessing it was around 1am when you left your message last night. I'm affraid i was fast asleep. Little one actually allowed Mummy and Daddy to sleep in the same bed last night... mind you, he did have to be in the middle and made sure we were all up at 4.45 this morning, Never mind! Hope you are well and when will we get more Red mercury?

Take Care xx


Post 3



Ok, i can take it if you dont want to be my friend anymore you should have just said. If i knew how to use the friends list - id put you on then take you off! Only joking! Well exept about not knowing how to use the friends list, youll have to let me know! On a more serious note... Hope your ok had expected to see you around. Big Hugs Gobelino xx

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