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all that we see from up there what a view and you are the director. thought i would write an extract from a journal i may write... it was not so easy to get around but sometimes i could buy a day pass for 1.50. in the evening. it helped cos most nights i tried to stay away from the house so hopping on a bus helped me escape.and when i was out of work so much,it was eating from the dollar menu at fast food joints. back at the house i would sleep on the floor in the livin' room but i woke up around 5am with people going off to work. sometimes i would sleep thru it but mostly i couldnt. the day would begin early and try and take something from the fridge before i left, down by the railroad station is where i got my coffee for a dollar while i flicked thru the classifieds for anyone hiring.

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Latest reply: Jan 9, 2005

all that we did.

walking in this endlss rain cant help think of home, and when it rained so hard that it would run like a river down the railway tracks. and when it stopped,a great big rainbow would appear, then it was gone.

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Latest reply: Jan 8, 2005

my elephant is missing while my lion sleeps back at the lodge.

four elephants keep the world up, of that iam sure.

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Latest reply: Jan 6, 2005


trees standing in the evening mist. their shadows cast across the land. under moving lights, they look like legs disapearing into the night.....................waterfalls cant do us any harm, as we greet colourful parrots in the mornings first light.

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Latest reply: Jan 6, 2005

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