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Post 1


This style you have used, reminded me of a poet i admire, Sylvia Plath, not for what you were writing, which would have connections to Seamus Heaney, (in my opinion anyway) but the way you have framed the poetry, similar to a story but very clearly defined as a poem. I liked the repeated pattern, endless days and unknown days of freedom, the question this puts on the readers lips, if its a question, being unknown, are you actually free, because your questioning it.

Anyway well done and i look forward to reading more from you.

P.S I actually read the followings then developed my decision over all, hope this if ok. Its just they seemed to all link.
-dusk of empty fields (days of freedom)
-Unknown days of freedom
-Endless day of freedom Part 2
-Endlessly Marching Part 1

the only clucky

Post 2


thank you so much for your interest, the poems do corelate but there is in fact no real order. i just kept writing in the same thread, it made sense to number them and keep the same title( which was fitting) each one was written all at once. ther are a couple more. but i use the library and only get one hour. guess its more of a story, not sure. thanks for noticing. appreciate it. will get to everyones poetry eventuallysmiley - bubbly

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