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Friday on my mind

Post 21



It is Friday! Yes! smiley - erm
My introductions aren't getting any better.

However, as you're approaching the magical 1000th (post that is, not birthday)smiley - smiley you will find a goodie bag next to your breakfast box!
smiley - gift

Take care and I hope the erratic counter doesn't tamper with you today!

Lots of hugs and cuddles,

Yours platonically
smiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - kisssmiley - oksmiley - run

Der Choccie von Belgien smiley - magic

Bc smiley - wizard

Friday on my mind

Post 22


Dear smiley - wizard Darcy Bc,

I don't want to be a 1000. It makes me <blue) and life less.

Jen is smiley - brr today.

Have a funny day,


Friday on my mind

Post 23


Bloody nails - smiley - blue

Friday on my mind

Post 24


Why is Jennypenny smiley - brr and smiley - blue?

Can Bc help? smiley - cheerup

What have your nails got to do with it?
(Isn't that a Tina Turner song?)

If you want to lie down on Bc's couch, you just walk in my little office, I'll get rid of the other patientsmiley - laugh

Take care
smiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - kiss

Bc smiley - wizard

Friday on my mind

Post 25


Jen is smiley - brr as she needs the sunshine.

smiley - blue is because.

smiley - biggrinJust realised your smiley - erm about my nails !!!! It's all right, I'm not trying to catch you out with the smiley - sheep ! But, methinks he doth protest too much smiley - bigeyes !

What a smiley - cracker

Bye littel smiley - wizardsmiley - pumpkin


Friday on my mind

Post 26


PS Sorry, just realised I hadn't answered you. My typing is naff because my finger nails are too long !

I wasn't trying to catch you out. In any case, I miss Richsmiley - wah
AND his smiley - pumpkin

Friday on my mind

Post 27


Maybe I should leave a message for Rich!

Who knows? I can only try to help.

Bc eating lasagna! smiley - biggrin

See you later, cabernet sauvignon is chilling already!

Don't let the weather get you down!

smiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - ok

Bc smiley - wizard

Friday on my mind

Post 28


Jen, you still haven't told me when you got the 'knack' of the smileyssmiley - laugh

Bottle here...Shall I open it?
Why... of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

Whatever you do, J'penny, save the last dance for me. Even when I'm sleeping! smiley - laugh

Bc smiley - wizard

PS- As much as you hate Sinatra, I hate J. Lopez. What an insult to all REAL artists! smiley - yuk
She's not worth bearing the name Jennifersmiley - winkeye


Bc smiley - elf

Friday on my mind

Post 29


Dear Bc smiley - elfsmiley - wizard,

I used to like writing to Rich. He told me all about what he was reading, what he watched on TV and listened to on the radio. What his sister and nephews did, what he ate. Who and what he liked or disliked. You get the picture.
He told me lots of stories from the books he was reading, and all about his love lifesmiley - erm And I used to tell him my news.

And now, now, I have nobody to talk to.

OK, he was sometimes a little smiley - weird, but hey, I liked him !

Friday on my mind

Post 30


Are you all right smiley - pumpkin ? Drunk again eh.

Enjoyed the last dance.smiley - blush Wasn't it a funny songsmiley - biggrin How we laughed ! Don't worry too much about my foot. I'll be all right smiley - bruised but smiley - brave

I am having the left over Chardonnay right now. smiley - fish for us

tonight.smiley - smiley

Get the smiley - sheep back for me please.


PS Oh the smiley thing........Rich left so I had to sort my self out. Jen lazy.......but smiley - cool

Enjoy your week-end. I shan't ask if you're working.

Friday on my mind

Post 31


smiley - wah Yes, Bc little offended there by 'now I have nobody to talk too'

What about Bc?

However, I have decided to forgive yousmiley - smiley

I'll see what I can do about Rich. But I can't promise you anything! What if he has decided to give up h2g2 altogether?smiley - erm
But, let's stay positive!

Bc not working but I had the most excellent news. My (ex)-colleague, who was on maternity leave, has returned to the old 'firm', suddenly saw the light and decided to quit the place! One can only be happy when one leaves that place!smiley - runsmiley - run

Breakfast for Jen, the usual and... a special ringtone...
the calendar song smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Enjoy your week-end and take care of the 'spleen'!
smiley - blue

smiley - hugsmiley - smoochsmiley - kiss

smiley - loveblush How can I help you? A Big Mac and a coke? smiley - laugh

smiley - cuddle

Bc smiley - wizard X

Friday on my mind

Post 32


smiley - wizardsmiley - elf

And I have graciously forgiven your remark about the spleen. Jen is an smiley - angel

I quite understand if smiley - sheep doesn't return, he was becoming quite bizarre, but soooo funnysmiley - biggrin

Are you trying to tell me that you worked at McDonalds ?


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