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Wotcher Jen

Post 1

Phillip Phlopp

How are things with you and yours? Are the Rotters still taking you for a drag?

Things are hectic here - Claire, Ella and Grace are staying with us (Ella has been here since the beginning of July). Claire and Grace flew over last week to stay a month as SIL is off on a course for three weeks. He is off to Iraq next year for a six month post and there is a one month intensive training beforehand. Don't believe the crap about soldiers being sent out without the necessary knowledge and equipment but things out there are not great. So Claire will have seven months next year without him - dunno about absence making the heart grow fonder more like him being away causing real probs that don't resolve themselves on his return. You can get used to being on your own and do things in your own way...

It's great with the kids. Ella has made huge strides in the last month or so with her verbalising skills and she has a wicked sense of humour. I emailed Aitch a few pics - ask her to pass 'em on. Grace is much more clingy to her mum and very loud. She is only 15 months and toddling around but she has a short fuse and screams the house down if she can't reach a toy etc. If she was left with us we would whip her into shape - you can't criticise the parent y'know.

I hope you are feeling better and well on the road to recovery. Aitch mentioned that you had been on holiday and hope that it gave you time to relax and get life into perspective. Although we have had the occasional long weekend over the years the last proper two weeks in the sun holiday was 1989! Still, never mind eh?

Very busy at the moment with work (even working on a Sunday!) and still bitching on the boards - very indulgent but it keeps me sane! I feel your presence now and again on the board - a little lurking p'haps?

Is Buffy and Don aware of this other choccie chappie?

Must go now. V/C/E/G have gone to Folly Farm for the day and I am in charge of din-dins. Tonight Matthew it's going to be roast lamb (cooked in a slow cooker) plus the usual roast dinner stuff.

Do you have a slow-cooker? Marvellous bit of kitchen gadgetary. Makes for fantastic tender joints and, as it cooks so slowly, you have loads of juice for the gravy. Ummm, ummm!

Must get back to a magazine I am supposed to be designing.

Look forward to hearing from you


Wotcher Jen

Post 2


Neil !

I knew it was you when I saw the title. How really lovely to hear from you.

Things a little bit sad with one thing and another. My daughter's best friend saw me and the two dogs in the car. She waved and pipped at me, but I didn't see her. She said I looked like a demented mad woman. Naturally, that boosted my self-esteem even further.

Having all the girls about must make life a bit hectic. Saw you write something about getting hot flushes these days. I always try to read your messages, and yes, I am usually lurking on the street corner.
I am sorry to hear about SIL and Claire. It must be very hard for them. Seven months is a hell of a long time. And not good for little kids not to see their father. How easily children forget.

Ah, the chocolate chappie. Sorry, you must all think I am away with the birds these days. It's good to live a little fantasy life now and then, but I need to get back on an even keel. Buffy is aware of only you. Don is not my man - he wishes ! The luxury chocolate will also have to go....

Buffy, daughter and kids all fine and well. The other situation is unbearable. In the last few days I have had words with the ex which I bitterly regret. One of the pets had to be put down and my son.....

Sorry Neil, self pity over with.
No, I don't have a slow cooker. You're a very good boy to make such lovely meals for all.

I will take up your kind offer of seeing the family photographs. I hope to e mail Penny for Helen's e mail address.

Bye, Neil, regards to Val,



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