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Sept 13

Post 1

Geordie Girl

Hi Jen,

Are you back and did you have a good time?

We were in NCL again at the weekend and the lads won so the journey home was a lot happier than of late!

How was Italy? We are trying to sort something out for the end of the month but not getting very far! Peter is off to New York tomorrow until Saturday so busy sorting him out for that.

Not a lot of news at this end.

Speak soon!smiley - smiley


Sept 13

Post 2


Morning Helen,

Just back from a 2 hour stint in the hairdressers looking like the tin woman. Just had a look at myself in the mirror and I don't think I like the colours or the style !

Saw your post this morning saying you were going to the dentist this afternoon. Spooky - so am I.
He's still fiddling on with this one new crown replacement. Today I am having impressions taken, a 40 minute session. Oh well.

Italy was wonderful. We were along the Amalfi Coast and naturally visited Capri. Oh, those shops, those elegant Italianssmiley - biggrin
Weather lovely, so tan nicely topped up - matches my gleaming teethsmiley - laugh

Not much other news. Weather beautiful today. N'castle seem on the up again, but I was sorry to see Bobby go. Is Souness the new manager now ? Don't much like him, but hopefully the team will go on to better things.
Speak soon Helen,



Sept 13

Post 3

Geordie Girl

Hi Jen

I hope your visit to the dentist was a little less painful than mine. I'm now minus an upper wisdom tooth half of which snapped off yesterday! I had no pain until he gave me the injection - I could have done with some of the treatment they were talking about on JV when I was on! The tooth was enormous and came out without much trouble thank goodness. I was just worried he wouldn't be able to get at it as there was not much left.

The nurse told me that they take out very few teeth these days which surprised me even though I'm only 2 wisdom teeth short. I imagined they would be taking them out reasonably often, but not so!

What's wrong with you hairstyle? I'm not quite so over the moon with mine either! I did it under rather than flicking it out as I couldn't be bothered this morning and I think I like it better. Don't know whether to go back to the old hairdresser (again!) next time! smiley - erm

Lovely and bright after the rain yesterday, I wish I felt like going out! I'm a bit hungry as well.

I had a bit of a laugh last week when I found a copy of a post you made about the funeral of lord phlopp and the firework display! I took a copy at the time and was doing a bit of deleting. A couple of days before I'd had an email from Mike saying how he wished he'd got copies of some of the funnier messages. I sent him a copy and it was just before he started posting so he had a laugh as well.

Oh for those days on JV! I don't know what is wrong there but it doesn't hold the same charm now. I wonder if Neil keeps copies of his posts? Apart from the Radio Reynolds ones I think that is the only one I've got more's the pity. I'll try and copy it on here if you like?

What is it about the Italians and the French they just have such style don't they? I caught a little bit of something about Audrey Hepburn on R2 last night and they were talking about her style. Apparently she had a 20" waist!

I'm not sure about Souness either but he seems to be tough on discipline which a few of the youngsters could do with! He's banned all overnight stays after matches in London! I'll have to keep an eye on the score tomorrow night and email Peter as they are playing in the EUFA tomorrow night.

Well I think I may just be able to manage a cup of coffee!

Are you back dancing yet? I saw a class fairly locally but it was at 10AM so not keen!

Take care and hope you are not in pain as well!


Sept 13

Post 4


He Helen,

I was very sorry to read about your wisdom tooth. My session pales into insignificance.
Go to page 3 (smiley - biggrin) of the DM Weekend magazine of 11 Sept. See the yoga girl ? That's what my hairstyle is like ! Colour is maybe a little lighter. But, I am getting used to the change, and to be honest, my husband didn't notice anything different. I could scream because as usual it cost a small fortune !

I am going to e mail Penny later this week, and ask her to send my e mail address on to you. Could you please tell her that it will be all right.

Not had a good evening, and am drowning my sorrows I'm afraid.
Not heard from Neil at all, so assume he and family are fine.

Bc still enigmatic,

Sept 13

Post 5

Geordie Girl

Hi Jen

Sorry I'm late in replying (again!). I felt so lazy last week after the dentist and my jaw ached like hell! The only consolation is that I don't have a bruise on my face like when I had the other one out. I looked like a chinaman when it went all yellow! The swelling has gone down a bit too.

I rushed out to the paper box to find the Weekend but it had gone the day before with the recycled bag so I'm no wiser to the style!

Peter got back from New York yesterday morning so we've had a pretty quiet weekend. I did my tax return this afternoon online again and I think it was easier than last year. I feel soo much better now that it's all done for another year. I must check out that money saving site again for savings rates again. I will get round to doing the online banking thing when I change computers which will be soon I hope.

I'll email Penny to expect your email with the okay. That's great news!

I think Neil still has a house full and he had a bad ear (according to the postings). I was listening to Jason on line last night) Peter was dozing, while deleting some bits and pieces and BC must have emailed J as he read out a dedication for him.

Not long until Jason goes to Peru. I was thinking of putting a message on JV's board wishing him well and hoping JV might see it and say something on air but he doesn't seem to even give out the message board details these days unless I've missed them.

Well I think I'll have another glass of wine and watch Silent Witness.

Speak soon!

Take care,

Helensmiley - bubbly

Sept 13

Post 6


Hi Helen,

I have just written to Neil. I think he is worried about me and Bc ! I have put his mind at restsmiley - biggrin

Oh, I didn't know he had a sore ear. I would have mentioned it to him. Hope he's getting better.

Yes, I will e mail Penny this week. I haven't heard Jason for a couple of weeks now. Things have been just a tad fraught here, and I am feeling a bit vulnerable. Suppose it's because I haven't been so well.
I expect you all think I am away with the fairies these dayssmiley - biggrin.

I'm not really, just a bit stressed out. Oh the demon drink. Think I'll go and have a Merlot. I can always be relied upon to get stupid latersmiley - erm

Bye for now, Helen,



Sept 13

Post 7

Geordie Girl

Hi Jen

I saw your message to BC in the CB! What have you been up to? The mind is bogglingsmiley - biggrin!

Feeling a wee bit down, not sure whysmiley - sadface. Could do with a party or a good night out!

I emailed Penny to expect yours soon. So am just waiting!

Must go as I can hardly stay awake tonight!

Speak soon and have funsmiley - cool!


Sept 13

Post 8



If I enrol on Nick's site, should I tick no to all the boxes ? I don't want e mails, pop ups or anything. I just want to be able to see and reply to private messages. smiley - erm


PS I have been doing nothing illegalsmiley - biggrin

Cheer up please Helen. Can't have both of us sad and blue......smiley - wah

Sept 13

Post 9

Geordie Girl


I had to have a look at the site as I can't remember. Looking at it I think I just ticked 'yes' to new private message alert, and 'yes' to smilies. I ticked 'no' to pop up window. The rest I think I left as they were. You'd better not tick the prvate message alert if you don't want any emails.

Just seen your message ot BC has been removed...

Feeling a bit better today, put someone off that I just couldn't cope with. I don't feel good about it but I needed to get out after feeling rotten last week. Something else happened last week that left me a bit depressed and has set me thinking a bit down,smiley - sadface Trying not to dwell on it!

Did I say that I had emailed Penny, sorry can't remember if I did. Saw an ad for Children in Need with the Osbornes can't believe it's that time again already!

Off for a glass of wine nowsmiley - bubbly


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