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Bedtime story part 14

Post 1


Lady R. tiptoed her way to Alexandra's room. The queen was still sleeping or unconscious, hard to tell. The governess produced a key somewhere out of the depths of her black cloak. She walked to the table, took the bottle and a glass and poured out a few gulps. She then opened the cupboard next to it and secured a little flask. A few drops were added to the drink, that soon turned emerald green.
Alexandra's eyes were now half opened and she stared dimly in the distance. Lady R. placed the glass at her lips.
'C'mon, darling, drink this. Careful, little sips...'

A hysterical Fly came rushing into the kitchen. Jen and Poisson D'Or tried to calm her down.
'JJen TThat MMMan AAgain, UUnder TThe CCypress! CCCome!'
The three ladies arrived at the top of the building and looked in the direction of the cypresses.
'Jen, he was there! You have got to believe me!'
'Fly, maybe it's just the hangover, honey'
'No Jen, I saw him, I'm telling you'
The dancer and the princess shaked their heads compassionately.
Fly returned to the kitchen and shed one or two tears out of powerlessness.
Before the girls left, Poisson D'Or took Jen aside 'Listen, keep an eye on Catharina. Whether it's true she has seen this man or not, make up quickly you two. It's a long journey, Jen!'
'We'll work something out. Anyway, we must leave now'
'Oh..thanks for reminding me.. my goodbye gifts!'
Poisson D'Or handed the girls two music box belly dancers.
'Thanks! It's lovely'
'You're welcome, Jen. Good luck and be careful'
'Ready, Fly?' asked Jen.
Fly nodded a slight yes and after hugs and kisses,the girls were seen leaving Sirtakiville. They had barely gone a mile when Fly went to walk on the other side of the road.

Lady R. had a last glimpse of Alexandra and closed the door. She returned to the salon and, it being a lovely day, decided to take her ant farm for a walk in the garden. That way she could keep an eye on that stupid couple...


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Bedtime story part 14

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