This is the Message Centre for Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

B4 paging Lil... B4 paging Lil...

Post 1

Purr in Boots

smiley - biggrin
Hey there, Lil... Good to know you're still using HooToo every so often.
smiley - ok
Would you hit me up on your Convo thread, or send me a missive at my email [email protected]. It would be good to swap "what happened in-between" stories...
smiley - cool

B4 paging Lil... B4 paging Lil...

Post 2

Purr in Boots

smiley - cat
Whaiy, yeow, maiy assk, iss B4 sshowing up on my thrread dressed in the cosstume he worre fforr the Holiday Pantomime?
smiley - huh
Aiy am sstuck in thiss guisse until the H2G2 Modss rresset maiy passworrd and notiffy me. Aiy have prromissed to wrrite it down thiss time, sso Aiy don't have thiss prroblem again in futurre...
smiley - cat

B4 paging Lil... B4 paging Lil...

Post 3

Purr in Boots

smiley - cat
Mrr B4 hass rrecoverred thrree of his alterr perrssonas, and losst two otherrss (Toasty the Snowman and The Sprites of HooToo Forest). Hiss own orriginal perrssona, at leasst, wass active when therre came another trranssition / change of management occurred while he wass away. Now it's jusst a matter of Rresset & Rreawaken...
smiley - cogs
Be apprrised that he wisshess to sspeak with yeow when yeow have opporrtunity...
smiley - cat

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