This is the Message Centre for Lord_Evan_Elpussall

To the honourable Lord E.

Post 1


Hi (it's Bc),

On evening tour again - I think it's time you took a drink yourself after all that bartending!
I don't know what type you are
smiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - ale
smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly
or both?

Have a good evening peer, see you at the CB
Bsmiley - choc

To the honourable Lord E.

Post 2


Hello Hardshell (Or shall I call you Bc)

Welcome to my humble establishment. I am definitely an smiley - ale man first & foremost. smiley - redwine or smiley - bubbly very rarely although I do like Ginger Wine. I have a sweet palate when it comes to wine.
I am a smiley - choc oholic but not while enjoying my smiley - ale as it makes the smiley - ale tast awful!

smiley - cheers

Lord Evan Elpuss-all

To the honourable Lord E.

Post 3


Hey you,

I fell out of bed again and I feel like a steaming mug of coffee.
Don't worry I'll make it myself, you can do with the rest.

It's still dark outside, but the day awaits.

Hope it won't be as hot and sticky as yesterday.

I've taken the liberty of stocking smiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - ale and smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly in the fridge,after all you have a full-time job catering Catherina smiley - biggrin, let alone the others.

Have a nice day wherever you go!

smiley - ok Bc smiley - runsmiley - teasmiley - cake

To the honourable Lord E.

Post 4


The smiley - ale will go down a treat later on.

I don't know what it's like where you are but It certainly looks like it's going to be another sticky one where I am.

smiley - cheers

Lord Evan Elpuss-all

To the honourable Lord E.

Post 5


Hi E

Must smiley - run now.

I'm looking forward to seeing you in CB or here. WILL talk later.


smiley - oksmiley - smiley Bc

To the honourable Lord E.

Post 6


And so it turned out to be. It was very humid. Coming to a head late this afternoon with a thunderstorm. Now enjoying a few mugs of smiley - ale
Chat later in either Coffee shop or here.

smiley - cheers

Lord Evan Elpuss-all

To the honourable Lord E.

Post 7


Starting bedtime story soon think FR/SA or Su.
Already introduced first series of characters on Jen's page.
You're in the second series tomorrow.
Me budding writer smiley - biggrinsmiley - blush ey?
Maybe I won't be making myself heard on CB tonight but I'm sitting in a dark corner so please bring me a smiley - ale.
Thanks E.

To the honourable Lord E.

Post 8


Hope yesterday's pint of smiley - ale was OK. Another smiley - ale coming right up.

smiley - cheers

Lord Evan Elpuss-all

To the honourable Lord E.

Post 9


Evening m'Lord

Isn't it quiet everywhere? They all left me to it in the CB. You DO feel a fool, don't you, sitting there talking to yourself.
So if you're pouring here, mine's a glass of smiley - redwine please



To the honourable Lord E.

Post 10


Hello FBN,

Hope the smiley - redwine was to your liking. Would you like another?

Where are all the others that used to come here? Perhaps they don't know that this place is in use again. You are right, It is so much better when there are several people to chat with.

smiley - cheers

Lord Evan Elpuss-all

To the honourable Lord E.

Post 11


Afternoon, mylord,

The wine was absolutely perfect.

The others? All come and go, I think. The problem is that we've diversified too much. When we all used to come to the CB we were there altogether, now, we flit from place to place and if there's nobody there, we don't make an effort, we send someone an e-mail.

Maybe it'll all get better when the weather cools down a little. Wish I had a laptop and could sit outside. Would be nice with a cool glass ofsmiley - bubbly or one of your famous brews.
How much do you brew in a year? Had a friend who did that and very potent stuff it was too.

I've just come in as there is a very loud band in the pub garden, which adjoins mine. Good music, 60th and 70th stuff, but somehow it is too hot to sit outside and listen to it. On my own,that is, O.K. if you're in the pub-garden, but most of them are in the sun. Toooooo much.......

Just had a phone call and have been invited to a barbecue tomorrow. Yippppeeee.
Bang goes the diet.

See you

smiley - love

smiley - zoomsmiley - smooch

To the honourable Lord E.

Post 12


Hello FBN,
Glad you liked the wine. Did you hear Briant's mention on 'Sounds Of The 60s' this morning? He included a mention for the R2 Coffee Bar. Don't worry if you missed it as SOTS is on 'Listen Again' so you can hear it again at your leisure (that is until the next SOTS next Saturday)
Hope you enjoy your Barbecue. I'll be at my second home (Popham airfield) tomorrow as it's their next 'Fly In' day. These are special days where landings are free. Sometimes devoted to specific aircraft, even if they are anyone can come in any type of aircraft and still land free on these days. We even get Dutch aircraft come in occasionally. At least the weather looks good for it tomorrow.

smiley - cheers

Lord Evan Elpuss-all

To the honourable Lord E.

Post 13



Looks like you're going to have a nice day tomorrow, but I think it'll be hot!
Did you find out any more about Kenley Airport?
Where I live now there are a lot of gliders and when I lived in Kenley thet's what that airport was used for too, I just remembered.
A friend of mine was in a syndicate, 8 of them owned this glider and then he went and crashed it. He was NOT popular.

I tried to listen to SOTS this morning, but I got bored staring at the screen, but you can't go somewhere else, can you? the music then disappears, Started off with "My girl Lollipop". My god, it's a long time ago.

My eyes are so tired. Think I'll go to bed now.

Hope you have a lovely day tomorrow, your Lordship and bring back the corkscrew, there hasn't been a barman in the CB all day. Mind you, no customers either.

See you soon

smiley - love

smiley - zoomsmiley - smooch

To the honourable Lord E.

Post 14


I haven't looked up Kenley Airport yet. I must do it sometime. You live near a gliding airfield? Which one? If it's Lasham, that's not too far from me? I bet your friend wasn't popular after crashing that glider, but there *is* a school of thought that says 'Any landing that you walk away from is a good one'

Well sweet dreams

Corkscrew is always there. I've noticed how quiet it's been in the coffee bar lately.
smiley - smooch
smiley - cheers
Lord Evan Elpuss-all

To the honourable Lord E.

Post 15


smiley - stoutsmiley - stoutsmiley - stoutsmiley - stout

smiley - drunk (only a little bit!)

DO have a wonderful weekend, Phil



To the honourable Lord E.

Post 16


Sorry for the delay in replying but I've only just got back from a lovely two weeks in Canada. Tried to 'Drink Canada dry' but couldn't quite manage it, even with a little help from my relations over there!!
smiley - cheers
Lord Evan Elpuss

To the honourable Lord E.

Post 17


Wow Canada! Never been there!

Business or pleasure? Don't tell me, none of Bc's businesssmiley - laugh

Glad you're back, CB can do with a strong serving hand (the way we've been drinking! - mind, we go bananas, but never aggressive)
So true.

Hope you have a good week (time flies - almost weekend again!)
What does the Lord do for a living? Like it?

Seeya around Phil
Take care

Bc smiley - wizard

To the honourable Lord E.

Post 18


Hello BC,

Canada was purely for pleasure and yes, the time surely did seem to fly by. All too soon it was time to go back home.

The 'lord' is a postie!

smiley - cheers

Lord Evan Elpuss

To the honourable Lord E.

Post 19


'postie' like delivering letters?

Early hours!

How do you combine with your work in parliament?smiley - laugh

smiley - coffee

Have a nice Sunday, seeya at CB!

Take care
Bc smiley - wizard

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