This is the Message Centre for Lord_Evan_Elpussall


Post 1

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Hi Lord Evan,

I hope you're settling in to h2g2 smiley - smiley I'm one of the Aces, who welcome new users to the site. If you've got any problems, just ask - we're here to help!

You can put something about yourself on your page if you like, by clicking on the 'Edit Page' link - at the top right of the 'about me' section of your page. You can put anything you like, so long as it doesn't break the <./>HouseRules</.>.

The main idea of h2g2 is the ever-expanding encyclopedia - there are new entries added every day. You can write your own by clicking the 'Create New Entry' link on your page. If you think it's really good, you can submit it to PeerReview, for other people to comment on. It might then get picked by a Scout to be put in the Edited Guide - if it does, it'll be featured on the <./>FrontPage</.>! You may even be lucky enough to get a graphic for itsmiley - biggrin

There's also the community side to h2g2. One of the busiest places is usually <./>Askh2g2</.>, where you can ask pretty much anything you want. Whatever you ask, there's usually someone who knows, or knows someone who knows...

You might also like to check out <./>ThePost</.> - it's h2g2's very own 'newspaper'! There are all sorts of articles, quizzes and cartoons. There's also a very good page of links, if you can't think of anywhere to look!

If you're struggling to find your way around (or even if you're not), you might like to take the <./>dontpanic-tour</.>, and find out what other places there are on h2g2!

Like I said, if you need any help, just ask! You can either reply to me in this conversation, or drop me a line on my page (just click my name above)

You may have noticed a few smileyssmiley - smiley around the place - you can find out how to do them on the <./>Smiley</.> page.

Above all, have fun!

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