This is the Message Centre for almaak - appalled by bad taste
not about yoghurt
Sho - employed again! Started conversation Jun 4, 2005
hi Almaak!
So, what are you studying that is interesting enough to keep you away from books? not much does that for me...
You're not Dutch, by any chance?
Oh and I forgot to mention in the yoghurt thread, you're very talented if you can type while you're still asleep!
not about yoghurt
almaak - appalled by bad taste Posted Jun 4, 2005
oh, the intro had to be changed long ago , but anyway, it's mechanical engineering, that i am studying. and it was h2g2 then, that kept me away from my books
nope, i am not Dutch. it is Bulgaria the country where i was born.
thanks for the compliment
so what does this title in the brackets next to your name mean and what should i do to get one
not about yoghurt
Sho - employed again! Posted Jun 4, 2005
Oh Bulgaria? Your English is fab. I thought Dutch because of the two As in your name. Mechanical Engineering? Too much maths for me
As for my name: the Drool thread is on my space, we just hit 7,000 posts and are having a party with cake, firemen, and
for all
everyone is welcome to join, the only thing you have to do is over someone and share it with us
not about yoghurt
almaak - appalled by bad taste Posted Jun 5, 2005
i see! so if i want to have such a title, i need to have a topic at my place, that should be extremely popular i'd better start thinking what this could be
i suppose you're right about the two As. i haven't thought about it this way. but i found the name among the names of the stars and constellations. perhaps not surprisingly it turned out that most of them had arabian origin. so this one means child of the Earth if i remember correctly. cool, eh! it fits perfectly in the story of my origin
i will drop by for some ing. sounds like fun!
not about yoghurt
Sho - employed again! Posted Jun 5, 2005
I meant to say, don't forget your , the
gets slippery!
And don't forget to tell us who you drool at, we always welcome fresh
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not about yoghurt
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