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almaak - appalled by bad taste Started conversation Oct 14, 2004
I saw a film once. It was one of these hallmark films, I don't know if you've seen some of them. Anyway it was called "Arabian Nights" and it was about this princess Shahrazad, who was telling stories to the King Shahriyar, so that she don't get killed by him, this 1001 stories thing. So the film wasn't guite what i've expected, but there was this thought in it: "...fortune favours the brave, and those who can learn from their mistakes..." I really liked this thought, but since then I was asking myself the question: what does it mean to be brave? And i haven't found the answer yet...
Ellen Posted Jul 3, 2005
I don't think bravery is not being afraid, I think it is having a healthy fear but summoning the will to do what is necessary despite that fear.
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