This is the Message Centre for Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Tales for the L33T

Post 1


haha! i can't stop watching that! great vid, thanx a bunch for the link to the site! so how's it down there in australia?

smiley - rose

Tales for the L33T

Post 2

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

That's okay (about giving you the link). I thought it was hilarious too... and felt I should share it.

Australia's good.. but the weather has been really cold considering it's the middle of summer. I think it's warming up again though... which I'm grateful for. Warm weather is good as long as you don't have to spend too much time out in it.

Do you want me to call you Shadow or 42 or Mary? I'm confused...smiley - ermsmiley - biggrin

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