This is the Message Centre for jeure

Making a start

Post 1


Just started using this page. Since I now have internet over the cable (no phonecosts anymore)I can surf a around as much as I please without getting financially ruined [1]... In other words I have time for this kind of stuff. I don't know quite what to do with it yet, but I guess I'll find out. No promises made though.

Other (un)interesting notes: I put a huge pile of paper and carton outside for the paper recycling today. It's all the leftovers from moving house a while ago. It just doesn't seem like they're coming to pick it up, and meanwhile the wind is making sure the whole street gets decorated. They better hurry up...!

Okay, that's it for now


[1] In exchange I get to be an emotional wreck for having to wait ages for the pages to load. The connection is sooooooo sloooooooooow....

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