This is the Message Centre for the fat gardener

lyndabk calling FG

Post 1


Where did you go? FG, I though you were coming back to the hotel with us, but you disappeared.

You were one of the people I was most looking forward to meeting and I am so glad we did, but it wasn't nearly long enough.

Hope you got home alright, and I will catch ye later

Lyndasmiley - hug

lyndabk calling FG

Post 2

the fat gardener

Dear Lynda,

It was lovely to meet you - and sorry I went home early. Jen and you had disappeared and everyone seemed to be walking around in chaos. I was dying for a pee and it was cold. I drove to a service station for a loo stop and coffee, and promptly fell asleep there. It was bloody freezing and a bit surreal - surrounded by young men in combat gear.

It looks like I missed out on a great time. I didn't realise everyone was going back to the hotel - last time I saw people they were still trying to find a late-night drinking venue.

Glad you had a hoot. Will try to find the pictures.

Sorry to not have had the chance for a game of pool/ longer conversation with you and PenJen.

When's the next get together then?

You are so glamerous and vivacious in real life! Not saying you're not lively here.

smiley - coolsmiley - cheerupsmiley - run

lyndabk calling FG

Post 3


Oh thank god you are allright, I was starting to worry about you, I WISH you had come back to the hotel with us you would have loved it.

Glad you are OK me dear and roll on the next one eh?

Lyndasmiley - hugsmiley - bubbly

lyndabk calling FG

Post 4

the fat gardener

Sorry to have missed it all.

Thanks for your concern - I meant to contact you sooner but have been busy since - 4 of Rob's work friends for lunch on Sunday and then have been doing teaching observation (pre-college compulsory 10 days). Where does time go?

Everyone was really nice. I'm glad everyone got a big hug from Cadwallon! I sure did.

The red wine was really tasty. Also surprised at how easy it was to find my way out of Birmingham, after it took an hour to find the place.

smiley - cheerupsmiley - redwinesmiley - run

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