This is the Message Centre for the fat gardener

iCan Anthology - You Wanna Check this Out!

Post 1


Hi Fats, Please do check this out: And see who has so far: A3746676 Would love to see you in there too! How's about by Wed 9th March, or thereabouts, if you can? Also pass this on to anyone else who may be interested. Hope all is well with you and see ye on the 12th, missus! Thanks, Jen x

iCan Anthology - You Wanna Check this Out!

Post 2

the fat gardener

Hi Penjen,

Thanks, I'll see if I can come up with anything.

smiley - ok

iCan Anthology - You Wanna Check this Out!

Post 3


Thanks Fats,

And if you do, eith er post A*** in here or on the above thread.

Five more days to go...... smiley - wow

Jen smiley - tongueoutsmiley - bubbly

iCan Anthology - You Wanna Check this Out!

Post 4

the fat gardener

Dear Penjen,

I have a brief and inadequate bit of writing here, sorry but not feeling inspired really. It is called 'Reasons to Get Writing' A3767376.

See you Satsmiley - cheerssmiley - cheerssmiley - run

ps well done for all your hard work campaigning.

iCan Anthology - You Wanna Check this Out!

Post 5


Thanks Fats,

I have now added it to the thread A3762010
Thanks for writing it and I liked it because it was a fresh piece and from alternative realisations and delicately handled. It illustrates such a reality for many.

I'm catching my flight later this morning so will be well up for the gathering of souls, (the saints and the sinners!), on Saturday night. Bring it on!
Looking forward to meeting you and was wondering will you be wearing your new boots?!smiley - laugh

Travel safe, missus!

Jen smiley - divasmiley - bubbly

iCan Anthology - You Wanna Check this Out!

Post 6

the fat gardener

Thanks PenJen,

Have a great flight! smiley - bluebutterfly

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