This is the Message Centre for the fat gardener

Well Pack Your Bulbs Potty

Post 1


Hi fats have nagged Sonny into moving the 2 Paras, it is hopefully going to be there soon (writersdock). Also the kid asked me about moving the insomniacs reckon a lot of people would love that thread to get them through the night fats. I told him I would try and ask for your thought if you wanted anything changed but I did think you would want it pretty much the same! He was asking would we want it a private club...I said if it aint broke don't fix it seemed to me an approach I could see you taking! I am getting busy for a couple of days so hope all is well, you must be busy have not seen you around much! Just thought it would help to have things over at Writersdock, be a sanctuary for us all.

smiley - hug Serin, smiley - dog

Well Pack Your Bulbs Potty

Post 2

the fat gardener

Dear Serin,

Thanks for your messages. It all seems cool to me - if Writers Dock will have the Insomniacs Club then well done!! I do think it's nice if anyone can just chip in. Especially those alone and bored, and wondering if the whole world is asleep.

Sorry, but have not turned computer on for nearly a week I think. Mrs FG has been really poorly. Found out today that he has pleurisy and a few other infected parts. He's on antibiotics, but if he doesn't get better by next week he's got to go into hospital. He has a bath everyday but is really starting to smell ill.

Lucky, so far Stanley has avoided catching illness, apart from a cold. Am a bit worn out from going up and down stairs and to the shops/chemist etc. Mrs FG only fancies packet chicken noodle soup and nothing else will do. Have cooked him several meals, just to be told no. Then today had to go and buy him a bag of compost for his seedlings - the only activity he's interested in - potting on the kitchen table. Then had to go out again cos he couldn't sleep and fancied watching a Monty Python video - but when I got back he was too tired to watch it.

smiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - run

Hopefully now he's on the mend. And I'm keeping everything crossed that Stanley doesn't catch it.

Hope everything is going well for you.

Well done for keeping up the fight for GW!

smiley - cheerssmiley - cheerssmiley - cheerssmiley - cheerssmiley - cheers

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