This is the Message Centre for the fat gardener

Dear Potty

Post 1


This place is getting really lonely. Believe you me I want to stick around out of sentiment and loyalty. But I have spent some time on writersdock, and really find it a good fit as a new home. Sonny the fella that runs it was really patient with getting me in to the site. It took some while due to some technical hitch and he was really bewt.

The thing is the community makes the site and most people are over there. Plus I can understand, while people feel the need to move before this site closes.
A) I think it is to easier to face the inevitable brunt of the close

B) I do think a lot of the former community of here may be doing a silent protest to the BBC (not the editors but the management) about the way they have treated this community. I listened to the radio 4 Feedback program today you can listen to it on the website, in repeat programs. The woman who is in charge of the learning area Liz Cleaver made a comment about the site was never intended to be ongoing...what a load of cobblers Fats it was only updated last August and relaunched to great fanfare from the eds..

I was going to ask you and Lyndabk and Joe if you want to run the 2 Paras over at writers dock...I do hope you say yes as I realy want to keep it up as I think it is a bewt challenge. Please let me know and PLEASE think about joining the site as I think you will really like it and a lot of your pals from here are there.

Look forward to you answer Fats, Serinsmiley - dog
smiley - hug

Dear Potty

Post 2

the fat gardener

Dear Serin,

Have just got to read your email - have not been online for a few days because ill with a throat infection.

Yes, fantastic, if 'First Two Para's' could be set up on Writers' Dock then that would be great.

I had already started to wonder whether we should ask to put it onto an already established site - such as Spiderbaby's Big Red Sofa, or Anneymouse's GW site. But wherever it fits is fine.

It seems silly to split people onto lots of different sites - unless their aims are completely different.

I should go and learn about Writers' Dock - I know nothing about it. Haven't got much time at the moment for anything - but please go ahead and start 'First Two Para's' there if you can.

I might need a bit of time off the internet to get things sorted at home/work/personal.

Sorry to pass the baton on to you a bit.

Talk to you soon.

Love, Fats.smiley - cheerssmiley - teasmiley - cakesmiley - run

Dear Potty

Post 3

the fat gardener

p.s. you're a star smiley - star

Dear Potty

Post 4


Cheers Potty, and consider it done I will run it passed Sonny and he will more than likely set it up. I will keep you in the loop as it was your Idea and I think if we can we will try and have the same people helming seems to be working ok hey!

Hope your throat gets better Fats! smiley - hugSerin

Dear Potty

Post 5


I have left a message with Sonny re setting up the 2 Paras took the liberty of putting all our hats in the areana for managers, but one of us may need to check with Joe as he may want to concentrate on the site he runs with Anneymouse the other get writing site on msn..anyway fats we can sort that out later hey...will let lyndabk know that we are doing it! Cheers, Serin

Dear Potty

Post 6

the fat gardener

Dear Serin,

Thanks for sorting stuff out. Just run with your enthusiasms - don't worry about checking with me. Also I don't mind if I'm not at the helm if there are other energetic people around who want to get involved. I haven't really put enough imput into it since it started. I would be pleased to be a member of the group once it's up and running.

smiley - cheerssmiley - oksmiley - cheerupsmiley - biggrinsmiley - runsmiley - zzz

Dear Potty

Post 7


No Fats, not accepting your resignation from the ownership...we would have to have a board meeting and then a shareholders meeting....and besides we all need to be in it to gether...more hands make light work...mind you not sure if we will have any ordinary members (not that I find many on this site ordinary hey (lol))....
Anyway I guess we will just see what happens hey!
Ideally it would be great if this site stayed open but I am afraid with the best wills and energy behind it..I have contacted authors comedians Liz Cleaver written to Ican left messages to Eds via Community News...but I am now finally saying we may be just exasperating our energies for nought Fats...but while there is a glimmer I suppose....

Anyway I like to keep you informed of what is going on Fats just courtesy...have let Lyndabk know,,,not got in touch with Joe yet maybe if it gets set up will then tell him he is pretty busy I think with his new site!

Serin and thank-you for being a pal Fats!

Dear Potty

Post 8

the fat gardener

Dear Serin,

I've been trying to reply to something I read late last night, but can't find your posting anywhere.

Anyway, it was about how we need to enrol onto Writers' Dock. Yes, I agree with you. I will try to do it later on this week. Sorry not to do it sooner, but have big deadline for Wednesday - and haven't started work yet due to Rob being ill and stuff to decide re Teacher Training.

I agree, it is much more fun, less stress, if we are all involved with being organisers and on the moderating side. It is more in keeping with the relaxed spirit of the thing.

Once I'm onto Writers Dock, I'm sure I'll need technical help as I'm crap at finding my way around anything new.

Sorry to not have been around, and leaving it all on your shoulders.

I have spent time reading and reviewing the 2 Para stories today - and have posted marks out of 10.

smiley - oksmiley - hugsmiley - teasmiley - cakesmiley - cheerupsmiley - loveblushsmiley - run

Dear Potty

Post 9


Were up and running Potty, just go two forums once you are on the site and you will see all the threads and at the bottom. There is a section for groups, ours is currently in the moderation school section (if you can see that I think everybody can) but leave me a private message once you are over there and I will add you and then will ask Charlotte to add lyndabk and yourself to the moderater role.

Hope you make your deadline! Catch you soon, Ps will you approach Joe as I have not been able to catch may try on W dock later, not sure if he wants to continue in the 2 para hope so!smiley - ok Serinsmiley - hug

Dear Potty

Post 10


That is to forums in the first line of above post fats, spending heaps of time on the computer lately sorting out my Uni on line studies...start to loose the ability to edit my typing or the willsmiley - ermsmiley - biggrinsmiley - run

Dear Potty

Post 11

the fat gardener

Thanks Serin,

Didn't make the post with my work on Wednesday - so had to drive to Hampshire and back today to drop it off.

My Mum has just had a small stroke. She seems ok but it is a bit worrying incase it happens again - so may be a bit sidetracked in the next few weeks.

Dear Potty

Post 12

the fat gardener

Dear Serin,

I agreed with you on the two para's thread that it would be nice to do one for the road on GW.

I've totalled up the scores for the February stories and Jnce came out a clear winner (well deserved!)

I hope it's ok but I have asked for four new titles, one title each, from the first four people to post one up - as we are in March already. (It snuck in really quick - where did the time go?)

smiley - oksmiley - hugsmiley - run

Dear Potty

Post 13

the fat gardener

I've just joined Writers Dock! Managed to do so as 'fatgardener' - but haven't looked around the site at all. Hope to have a go early next week at the latest.

Cheers Serin, for all your hard work!

smiley - cheerupsmiley - hugsmiley - oksmiley - run

Dear Potty

Post 14


Fall from grace!

There you go Fats!

Dear Potty

Post 15


Opps I will put it on the 2 paras Fatssmiley - erm

And will then sign you into the writersdock 2 paras, had a message from bushkite who said we should be up and running soon, I have not heard from Charlotte yet who bushkite told me to message re adding other moderators, but sure she will get back to me soon. She is probaly run off her feet as the site has got over 500 people on it now!

Cheers for now Serin.

Dear Potty

Post 16


Have just added you as fatgardener on the 2 paras in writersdock fatssmiley - ok

Hope we get out of mod school soon

smiley - hugSerin

Dear Potty

Post 17


Excuse me butting in, ladies.

I came over here, FG, after reading your post about the snowman - I was thinking I hadn't seen you around lately, and wondering if you, too, had migrated somewhere.

Now I've seen this, I'll look out for you over on WD. I think there ought to be an 'Interminable Ramble' over there - there's already an Insomniacs Club.

A tip, in case you haven't already found it. When you go on, if you click 'Forums', go to the top right. Then you'll see two links which are very useful. One is 'see your posts', and one is 'new posts since you were here' (those wordings may not be exactly right, but you'll get the idea).

Hope to see you soon. smiley - smiley

Dear Potty

Post 18


You should know you are welcome to butt in any time Nicky and tell us where to gosmiley - biggrin

Hope you are keeping warm the both of you just seen the news about the weather over there!

The high country in VIctoria this weekend is expecting snow(very rare in March here!)

We may have hail tomorrow (saturday), a friend in Melbourne 300klms away is having a barbecue and emailed me an invite....somehow I don't think sosmiley - ermsmiley - cheersSerin

Dear Potty

Post 19


Sorry fats, must have overlooked your post about your mum, my dad experienced a stroke, very worrying, we just tried to keep dad's spirits up, yes and I understand you worrying about her having another one...just one day at a time was how we coped with our dad, mind you we did not live close to him at the time. Hope all goes well Fatssmiley - hug

Dear Potty

Post 20


Second that, FG.

I'm in the deep south, and we've had cold, cold winds, but no snow lying beyond once or twice a sprinkle that didn't last after the sun rose. They are again saying that our area may at last get some today, but we'll see.

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