This is the Message Centre for the fat gardener


Post 1


Hi Fat Gardener,

I need to confirm numbers for the venue. The party thread has become so confused we decided this would be the best way.

Could you please confirm below this message if you are coming to the party or not. If you cannot confirm until late that's fine just let me know that.

Details so far - date 12th March, venue - Old Joint Stock, Birmingham. Buffet - £5.50 per head.

Sorry if you have posted your confirmation on the Party thread but it is getting too long to go through all the posts.


Kitty and Jen smiley - hug


Post 2

the fat gardener

Hi Kitty,

Thanks for the message. And yes, I would like to come. Do we pay for the buffet on arrival - or do you need the money beforehand?

Looking forward to coming. smiley - ok


Post 3


Great to hear you're coming Fats! smiley - wow

Now why not join us on the GW Party Group, it'll give ye a good idea of what's happening and who's going/staying over, plus see what some of us mad folk look like and pics of the venue:

See ye there, Missus! smiley - cheers


Post 4


Hi - great that you're coming.

We don't need any money for the buffet until the night.

Cheers - see you there.



Post 5

the fat gardener

Dear PenJen,

How are you?

I've tried logging on to the Party Group and it says site not available. Sure would like to take a peep at wot folks look like. I'm sure you're all really glam!!

smiley - oksmiley - choc


Post 6


smiley - star Hi Fats,

I'm only in here for a wee mo - delighted you're able to make it! Ye-ha!

Anyway, sorry about the faulty link. Try this one:

I'll then access you in. Good luck, missus.

Will catch ye later for a chat.

Busy-Jen smiley - biggrin...........................smiley - run


Post 7

the fat gardener

Thanks Jen,

I'll give it a go.

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