This is the Message Centre for the fat gardener

Magic spells and wishes for you...

Post 1


smiley - star Dear Fabolous Fats,

Well, 'tis Christmas Eve, Babe...' so have a wonderfully wicked and peaceful Christmas and the very best of everything in 2005 for you and yours!
Hope the son's Birthday party went really well and according to plan! Bet they loved it!

Nollaig shona dhuit, a chara! smiley - goodluck

Jen smiley - magicsmiley - kisssmiley - crackersmiley - hugsmiley - bubbly

Magic spells and wishes for you...

Post 2

the fat gardener

Dear Lovely PenJen,

Best wishes to you too! smiley - mistletoesmiley - holly

Hope you have a magic Christmas! And hope some of your dreams come true in 2005! (have to save some dreams for future years).

Son's birthday went really well. The sun shone; they had energetic football outside, followed by pizza and sausages back at ours. I'd set the lounge up with a pool table and table football and Playstation. They were all playing happily while the adults stood and drank wine in the kitchen. It couldn't have gone better, except that the football coach I'd arranged to come didn't turn up. But 3 Dads organised the football instead.

Hope you have a wonderfully creative year.

I'm hoping for karma and health, and have the love of my son. Can't ask for more.

Love, Fats.

smiley - hugsmiley - oksmiley - bubblysmiley - holly

Magic spells and wishes for you...

Post 3


Awh.. Sounds like your son had dream of a birthday. Bet it was mad too!

As for christmas - it was great, wrapped up with family and the odd little wars! Spent most of it sleeping as was a little under the weather, but will have bounced back by New year's eve. Trust you and yours had a lovely one.

Chat to you soon, Fats. Have a brilliant year.

Jen smiley - biggrinsmiley - hugsmiley - magic

Magic spells and wishes for you...

Post 4

the fat gardener

Dear PenJen,

Hope you have a great New Year celebration. I'm sure you'll be out partying it up. Have a few for me!

We're probably staying at home, with about 6 friends coming over. Quite quiet but nice.

Mrs FG was very grumpy over Christmas - bought him a coat, said he could take it back and exchange it if he didn't like it. He grumbled and said he didn't like it - then has worn it constantly since then! He seems to have got over being grumpy now. Maybe Christmas takes people that way.

One year I would like to go to North Wales for New Year - and climb up Moel Famau - apparently lots of people climb up this small mountain at midnight, taking food and drink.

I might be tempted to climb up the small hill behind us - especially if it's a clear night and the moon is out. I always get an urge to go outside at New Year.

When we were in Shepherds Bush, lots of people would stand on their doorsteps and wish each other Happy New Year...we only have one lot of neighbours here, and one of them talks to you with his hands down his jogging bottoms!

Anyway, have a magic, magic transition to 2005!

smiley - bubblysmiley - run

Magic spells and wishes for you...

Post 5


And you too, dear Fats!

Have a wonderful night with friends and the nbest of wishes and dreams to come your way! smiley - magicsmiley - bubbly

Catch ye soon in the New Year and wear good shoes if you're climbing mountains!

Jen smiley - biggrinsmiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - alesmiley - laugh

Magic spells and wishes for you...

Post 6

the fat gardener

Hi PenJen,

Hope you had a wonderful night!

I've started up the First Two Para's Group.

Obviously, I would be thrilled if you wanted to take part.

I've added you to list of contacts and put details of the group in my journal - was hoping this would automatically send details to you and everyone else.

Did it work?

Hey, it's not raining - off for a walk - have been writing this after 3 hours of sleep.

Lots of luck and shamrocks in 2005!

Magic spells and wishes for you...

Post 7


Hi Fats,

Hope you had a grest New year's Eve. I'm afraid mise was a little under the weather still but managed a few wee mad nights out over the festive fortnight.

As for your new group; I've just left a note ther with my thoughts. Any posts you make from your journal port will automatically go to all those who have you listed as a contact and as I have you listed in my 'friends/contacts list', I received it.

Maybe try and list the same mesage from one of the 'wordplay' or 'craft' threads to catch a wider audiennce or appeal directly to those you think may be interested. i see that you have done this on the '60 Word Challenge' thread so hopefully that will also interest a few.

Will try and catch up with you later in the wek, missus.

Take care and love, laughter, health and happiness for you and yours this year!

Jen smiley - biggrinsmiley - hugsmiley - goodluck

Magic spells and wishes for you...

Post 8

the fat gardener

Dear Jen,

You're a star! Thanks for your comments and ideas.

smiley - biggrinsmiley - run

Magic spells and wishes for you...

Post 9

the fat gardener

PS Hope you feel better soon. Do you have a flu/stomach lurgy? I hear there's lots going around.
smiley - teasmiley - cake

Magic spells and wishes for you...

Post 10


Awh... thank-you dear Fats.
Think I'm just a little run-down having overdone things before Christmas and it now has caught up with me PLUS have a cold, sore throat and I sound like Rocky, (and look like him too with puffy eyes), mind ye I'm more like the cowardly lion out of the 'Wizard of Oz' if anyone was to bark at me. Unfortunately I still have to go to work but will breathe ALL my germs on anyone who annoys me! smiley - laughsmiley - tongueout

Could really do with a few days in bed, (ALONE and with my hot water bottle and a good book), but the partner is just as bad so it's c'est la vie, and life goes on. *cough, splutter*

I guess i should really give up the smoking too, but hell, that's the ONLY bad habit I have! smiley - winkeye

Chat with ye later and hopefully you'll get a few signing up with you today. Dear Serin has been putting the word around too.

Take care,

Jen smiley - ill*cough, cough*

Magic spells and wishes for you...

Post 11

the fat gardener

Oook - it looks like that alien's been kissed by my Auntie Margaret with her thick red lipstick on!

Hope you feel lots better soon!

Glad I've got the indefatigueable Serin on board.

smiley - biggrinsmiley - cheerupsmiley - teasmiley - cake

Magic spells and wishes for you...

Post 12


smiley - laughsmiley - laugh Ach, thanks Nurse Fats!
Feeling better already although took a 'sickie' from work today. I was rweally, rweally sick, I WAS!! smiley - whistlesmiley - angel

SO much better now I am.... smiley - winkeye

Also I see that there are a few signed up to the group - brilliant! May do so when I eventually get myself sorted out - God knows when that will be, I am SO lazy... smiley - sleepy!

Catch ye later, Missus!

Coughy-Jen smiley - biggrinsmiley - tongueout

Magic spells and wishes for you...

Post 13

the fat gardener

Dear Jen, glad you're feeling better.

I don't believe you're ever lazy!

I can do a really good sluggy bookworm lazy - can read for 10 hours, lying on the sofa, without stopping except to go for more coffee and biscuits etc.

Don't get much chance to do that at the moment.

Or there's the sit in the deckchair and drink most of a box of wine and eat a whole box of pringles lazy - looking up at the blue summer sky and the clouds floating past, listening to the radio and reading - wouldn't know you were in a back yard in Shepherds Bush not on a Greek beach! - a holiday in a day!

Now we've moved and we have a big garden I've not had the urge to do this - spend my time sanding and staining bookshelves outside etc.

UUUrggg - everyone keeps posting messages on 'Community News' - it's ok if it's stuff about new writing websites or campaign of action stuff - but there's someone who keeps moaning about a writer's site there!

I've got the brain of a blancmange tonight - been up till 1am working for the past few days - also been cleaning up in the middle of the night as son has had an upset tummy. He's better today.

Keep sparkling!

smiley - oksmiley - chocsmiley - chocsmiley - run

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