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Snape Obsessed!

Post 1



Is it just a Snape thing - or is it more an Alan Rickman thing?? I found that one lead to the other! AR is not only incredibly talented but also drop dead gorgeous! Once bitten by the Rickman bug - there is no cure!

BKsmiley - loveblush

Snape Obsessed!

Post 2

the fat gardener

Dear Bushkite,

I've pondered about that too, but have come to the conclusion that it has to be AR as Snape, not just AR, interesting though he is.

It's the same with Darcy emerging from the lake/Colin Firth without black hair dye, though that's on a more mass appeal level.

Ooo it's good to have a hobby.

Snape Obsessed!

Post 3


Oh yes, Darcy - sigh! I agree there though, I never really thought about Colin Firth in that light before I saw Pride & Prejudice (and that scene wasn't even in the book!)

Back to AR - I'm afraid, Snape has lead to a complete AR obsession for me. He's sent me on a huge voyage of discovery (so at least it's an educational obsession lol!) Indeed it is wonderful to have a hobby!

smiley - magic

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