This is the Message Centre for the fat gardener


Post 1



I've okayed your membership to the Nano group. How's your NaNo novel doing? There's a general support thread going on at the group's space if you want to join in!



Post 2

the fat gardener

Dear Bushkite,

thanks for replying to my request to join your group. I've only just found out about the NaNoWriMo website. I've got something that I've only done a few thousand words for. I will try to wack out loads of words but maybe it's not physically possible to do 60,000 for the 31st November. I'm starting 1/3 of the way through the month.

Maybe I should cancel until next year's NaNoWriMo? Unless you are thinking of having an unofficial NaNo next month, or in the next few months. Maybe a January NaNo - I would have more time then.

Is everyone in your group seriously going for the whole novel? Well done!

Writing a novel is the main ambition in my life - but I'm still learning the basics of creative writing. Perhaps you should chuck me out of your group until next year, or next unofficial NaNo?


Post 3


Hey hang on - it's only 50000smiley - laugh (and it's 30th Novsmiley - winkeye).

The idea for me, and I think many of the others is to bash out the words this month and have something to edit in December (if possible) or perhaps more realistically in January. Nobody is expecting a polished masterpiece by the end of November (which in my case is a good job because they aint getting one!)

How many words have you done so far? I'll keep you in the group unless you ask me not to.

Whatever you decide, good luck with the novel!



Post 4

the fat gardener

Dear Bushkite,

Thanks for saying I can stay. If it's ok I'll undertake to catch up with you all in December - this month is a bit of a bad one as I have to find a junior school for my son, apply for teacher training, find a part-time job, do my accounts and get some design work done...I could undertake to get the words done by the end of December and edit alongside the rest of you for the end of January.

If this isn't too far behind the rest of you then I'm up for it! I need a rocket like this up my backside to get me started.

smiley - rocket


Post 5

the fat gardener

It's a bit scarey working out the time needed - as it took me approx 4 hours to write 2,000 words. So for 50,000 it would need 25 sessions of 4 hours. Or more realistically 30 sessions of 2 to 4 hours.

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