This is the Message Centre for the fat gardener

moaning website.

Post 1


Hi FG,
I like you a lot.That's why I reply to you all the time(when I have any)
Having three kids is a bit time resticting,And a Grandson too.But I try to return to GW as often as I can.
Next year my youngest(two yr old)will be at nursery,so I am doing an O.U. course in English Language and Grammar.It's been that long since I was at school,I've forgotten most of it.I have a very bad back problem that stops me doing the things I'd like to.I have to wear Morphine patches to ease the pain.
Any way that's my moaning done so thanks for listening.smiley - hugsmiley - hug

moaning website.

Post 2

the fat gardener

Dear Loudtracy,

Your O.U. Course sounds fantastic. I'd love to go back to study English but don't think I can. I may apply to train to be a teacher - so that my holidays coincide with my sons etc. I know being a teacher is hard work - but a bit of financial security would be good.

At the moment I work freelance as a textile designer, sometimes waiting up to 5 months to be paid!

You must have such a busy life with children of various ages and a grandson - it must be wonderful and exhausting.

You can moan to me anytime!

smiley - biggrin Fats.

moaning website.

Post 3


Hi FG,
My life is wonderful in those aspects.My hubby worked his last day today after 12yrs with the same company.He is staying at home to look after me,as I am disabled with a back problem.
So now I have the love of my life with me all the time.So it is a wonderful life in my eyes.

Thanks for being so nice.Your replies make me feel good when sometimes I feel very sorry for myself.smiley - hugsmiley - hugsmiley - hug

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