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Post 1


Very short note as net access is running out. All is good here, am having fun wandering about with Helen smiley - smiley Went to the Heineken brewery this arvo, which was cool. The weather has been shit so we havent seen amsterdam at its best, but it still seems like a nice place. Not really making the most of what amsterdam's famous for - that being sex shops and marijuana, but have been enjoying the beer.

Am heading to Paris on Monday, then back to London Wednesday. Hope to avoid being blown up. Am mildly reassured by the apparently amateurish nature of the second round. Also by the lack of dedication shown by the bombers, as none appear to have been suicide attempts.

Nonetheless, Im glad that my plans involve seeeking work in Edinburgh rather than staying in London.

Love to all, more soon smiley - smiley

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